How to: Focus to be more productive


The last two years have completely changed the way we work.
We are working harder than ever but are we performing better?

This course is here to maximise your energy and motivation to work better.

Based on science, learn how to work with your body’s natural energy rhythm to focus on your most important tasks when your mind is at its peak.

Learn practical techniques to plan and manage your day to perform better. Our five day course will only take 15 minutes each day, to create new lifelong skills.

Buy Now for $69.95

"For many of us, our focus, or should I say, lack of focus, is the leading contributor to our productivity levels not reaching their full potential. And really, it's not our fault - the world is full of distractions, coming at us from every direction, angle and person."

Jay Pottenger
EQ Minds 5 Day Productivity Course


Based on science, you will learn simple changes to your daily routine that will have a huge impact on your output, stress levels, happiness and health.

I'm ready
Jay Pottenger practicing meditation
Day 1:
We share how to limit distractions to stay focused
Jay Pottenger Mindfulness Speaker morning routine
Day 2:
We will guide you on how to start your morning focused
Productivity Coach Jay Pottenger having a mindful break
Day 3:
We discuss the problem with multitasking and how to start unitasking
EQ Minds Productivity Course
Day 4:
We explain why we procrastinate and how to stop
Jay Pottenger Productivity Coach time blocking
Day 5:
We teach you how to create healthy email habits and plan productive meetings

I’m ready to be more focused.

Buy Now


How the course works: 
It is self-guided with daily email reminders
Work at your own pace:
The course is planned over 5 days but you can dip in and out of the topics, at a pace that works for you.
Jay Pottenger Productivity Coach presenting a virtual workshop
The course doesn’t expire:
It’s yours for you to come back to when you need it.

What’s included in the course:

Daily videos
A toolkit of habits for you to experiment with
Action Sheets
App and software recommendations
I want to be more productive

"We are all so busy, and our minds are so task focused on achievement that we tend to rush from one thing to the next and miss taking time to celebrate what we are achieving."


Jay Pottenger


Jay Pottenger Mindfulness and Meditation Coach
If you feel overwhelmed by your workday and need a guide to change your mindset and habits
You want to learn how to plan and prioritise your workload consistently to deliver your best work
Productivity Coach Jay Pottenger presenting a virtual workshop
You are looking for that extra 1% to fine tune your focus, time management and planning skills
You are looking for new strategies to implement with your team to increase performance

I want to take back my work day.


Let's get started


General Manager and Speaker, Jay Pottenger is an accredited Mindfulness and Meditation Coach and has a track record of leading and training teams to improve their productivity for sustained success.

EQ MINDS was created as a space to educate and inspire people to prioritise their mental health. We work with Top ASX companies to reduce stress, improve sleep, increase mental wellbeing and enhance productivity.
Jay Pottenger Productivity Coach Sydney

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